Incentives for HVAC Maintenance Programs

Did you know that you may be able to earn money for properly maintaining your commercial HVAC system? Many utility companies offer incentives to businesses that participate in a comprehensive HVAC maintenance program performed by a licensed HVAC contractor.

HVAC maintenance incentive programs can increase your bottom line in the following ways:

  • Get rebates from your local utility company
  • Reduce system repair and replacement costs
  • Lower your energy bills as a result of optimized equipment

Do You Qualify for HVAC Maintenance Incentive Programs?
Programs are offered locally and requirements will vary but eligibility for most incentive programs will be based upon the age and type of system, with conditions placed on which HVAC contractors can perform the service. It is also important to note that program offerings and requirements can change at any time.

What Is Included in the Maintenance?
Maintenance requirements will differ according to the programs offered in your area. In Tampa, Florida, for example, the local utility company provides a $25 per ton of air conditioning rebate for eligible systems maintained by a participating contractor. Work performed must meet the minimum standards set by the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA):

  • Chemically clean indoor and outdoor coils
  • Clean blower motor assembly
  • Clean drain pan and drain line
  • Examine and test all electrical connections and controls
  • Tighten electrical connections in equipment
  • Test voltage and amperage for motors and motor controls
  • Test heat strip operation
  • Test thermostat calibration
  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Measure temperature difference across evaporator coil
  • Test and adjust refrigerant level as required

How Do You Participate?
Typically, program participation consists of an initial application and approval by the qualifying organization, with rebate forms completed and submitted after maintenance. While not every utility company will offer a rebate for HVAC maintenance, some may provide programs for new systems, energy management systems, or lighting upgrades that may also be beneficial for you. The best way to learn about available incentives is to contact your local ConServ office. We look forward to helping you identify new areas for potential energy savings.

ConServ Building Services, LLC provides excellent commercial HVAC, refrigeration, plumbing, and general construction services to businesses across the Southeastern United States. To learn more about ConServ, visit

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